For security reasons, the payment card is initially blocked. To start using it, please activate it using your personal mobile phone, which was indicated during the paperwork.
Setting a PIN
To receive a PIN-code and activate the «RwS bank» payment card, you need to send an SMS to the number:
+38 (067) 231 11 11
SMS must be in the following format: PIN XXXX, where XXXX are the last four digits of the payment card number.
In the response you will receive a PIN code. Optionally, you can change the PIN code at the nearest ATM that supports this function.
If within 30 minutes after the request you have not received an SMS with a PIN code, you can repeat the request in order to request a new PIN code.
If after not receiving a message with a PIN code, two messages arrive at once, the PIN code from the last SMS will be the valid one.